Ideas for Interesting Mainstream
From the sd-callers mailing list
Bucket Stirs
- From Frank Lescrinier -
- Heads Promenade 1/2
- Lead to the Right
- Circle to a Line
- Pass the Ocean
- Single Hinge
- Scoot Back
- Original Side Couples Single Hinge
- All do your part of a Recycle
- Bow
- Heads Promenade 1/2
- Lead to the Right
- Circle to a Line
- Pass the Ocean
- Single Hinge
- Scoot Back
- Original Side Couples Single Hinge
- Girls DON'T MOVE...Boys Run
- Bow
- From Dick Hulbert -
- Ladies chain
- Same ladies chain 3/4
- Sides face Grand Square - 8 Steps
- Left Allemande
- From Don Beck -
- From a squared set:
- Four Ladies Chain
- Four Ladies Fold
- Touch 1/4
- Men Star half way across
- Grand Right and Left
- From Jim Knight -
- From a squared set:
- Couples 2,3,4 rollaway w/half sashay
- Heads sq thru four
- Make a wave
- Swing thru
- Centers trade, ends circulate
- Boys run, bend the line.
- (Zero line)
- From Ed Renauld -
- Right & Left Thru Equivalent from Facing Lines:
- Pass the Ocean
- Centers Trade
- Swing Thru
- Scoot Back
- Fan the Top
- Recycle
- From zero box:
- Right&Left Thru
- Make a Wave
- Girls Trade
- Swing Thru
- Boys Cross Run
- Chain Down The Line
- Slide Thru
- Allemande Left
- From Paul Asente -
- Calling "Run" in situations other than Boys Run from a RH wave with boys in
the middle. Run from couples.
- Calling fast sequences of Run/Trade calls, varying who it is who is running
and trading.
- Having just the center four dancers do a 4-person call from general lines.
- Sometimes getting people into Inverted or 3&1 Lines.
- Circulates where some dancers are facing.
- Doing calls from half-sashayed or same-sex couples.
- Making full use of the repertory of Thar and Alamo calls. Not just the 3
canned sequences that everyone can do sleepwalking.
- Ending a sequence by turning it into a Thar/Alamo and working that way
for a while, rather than just AL or R&L Grand.
- Have some people doing one thing while the others do something else.
- Doing calls from LH waves/2-face lines.
- Same-sex/half-sashayed Slide Thrus.
- Making use of the column of 6 dancers and distored column of 6 dancers in
Quarter Tag-like formations.
- From Dave Gipson -
- Alamande left to Alamo Style and Balance
- Now Boys circle left while the girls circle right
- Left alamande and promenade (if they get that far)
- From Jack Pladdys -
- From a static square
- Alamande Left to an Alamo Wave
- Starting with your right hand everyone Spin Chain Thru
- Right & Left Grand
- From a zero box
- Swing Thru
- Boys Run
- Ferris Wheel
- Centers step to a wave
- Everyone Scoot Back
- Right & Left Grand
- From Frank Lescrinier -
- From Zero Line:
- Pass the Ocean
- Swing Thru
- Boys Run
- Tag the Line-In
- Pass Thru
- Wheel & Deal
- Just the centers Allemande Left
- All Right & Left Grand
- From Zero Box:
- Slide Thru
- Right & Left Thru (Corner Line OUT)
- Ends Touch 1/4
- Centers LEFT Touch 1/4
- Those facing directly Allemande Left
- Everybody Right & Left Grand
- From Nasser Shukayr -
- From a Corner Line In Sequence (Heads Square Thru, Slide Thru):
- R&L; Thru, Dixie Style to a Wave, Boys Trade, A.L.
- Pass the Ocean, Girls Trade, Boys Do Your Part of a Recycle, A.L.
- Pass The Ocean, Girls Trade, Single Hinge, Walk & Dodge, A.L.
- Pass the Ocean, Girls Trade, Swing Thru, Everyone Fold, A.L.
- Pass Thru, Tag the Line, Face In, A.L.
- From an Across-The-Street Box (Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru):
- Swing Thru Double, All 8 Circulate, Girls Run, A.L.
- R&L; Thru, Pass Thru, Find your Partner, Pull By, A.L.
- Swing Thru, Boys Run, Boys Circulate once-and-a-half, Girls Trade
and "Spread Apart" and U-Turn Back, A.L.
- From Don Wood -
- 4 ladies chain 3/4
- 1&3 Right and Left Thru
- Those Two Ladies Chain 3/4 to the Side Gent.
- Side Gent Roll that girl (original side girl) 1/2 sashay.
- Head Boys Do Sa Do and Back Away
- Lines of 3 Do Sa Do
- Same Six Pass Thru,
- Same Six Girl Face Left Boy Face Right (Directional Slide Thru)
- L.A.
- Or for a singing call,
- Heads step in and face your corner,
- Pass Thru and all face in
- Circle 4 half way
- Slide the Girls in Front,
- Girls Pass Thru
- All Pass Thru
- Boys Pass Thru
- Girls Turn Back Swing and Promenade
- From Robert French -
- Head Ladies Chain 3/4
- Side Boy Roll that Lady with a 1/2 Sashay
- Lines of 3 Touch 1/4
- Extend (possibly questionable usage)
- Column Circulate
- Boys Run
- AL
- From Marty Firstenberg -
- Singing call:
- Heads Sq thru 4
- Sides Face, Grand Square (all the way)
- Heads cloverleaf, come down the middle and pass thru
- Heads cloverleaf again and come down the middle square thru three
- Swing corner, Promenade.
- From Kevin vanVliet -
- All the Girls use your Left Hand - Everybody Star Thru
- Zero box (Box 1-4):
- Spin Chain Thru
- Girls Circulate 1 & 1/2
- Boys do Half A Walk and Dodge
- or a singing call:
- All 4 Ladies Chain 3/4
- Heads Square Thru 4
- Spin Chain Thru
- Girls Circulate 1 & 1/2
- Boys do Half A Walk and Dodge
- Swing your corner
- Anytime you are going to call a rlg from a wave:
- (Tell the dancers before you call this that there are baseball
players in the square.)
- All 8 Circulate
- Walk and Dodge
- (here come the team players)
- Dodgers Trade
- Anytime you can sight an All 8 Circulate to a RLG:
- Walk and Dodge
- Dodgers Trade
- From Ronny Hermans -
- From Corner Line (Heads Square Thru - Star Thru)
- Pass Thru
- Tag the Line Right
- Couples Circulate
- Couples Circulate
- Allemande Left (Home?)
- From Zero Box:
- Right and Left Thru
- Veer Left
- Ferris Wheel
- Only the Boys Veer Left
- Extend
- Allemande Left
- From Lorenz Kuhlee -
- Heads Slide Thru
- Square Thru 3
- See Saw
- Step To Left Hand Wave
- Scoot Back
- Chain Down the Line
- Pass The Ocean
- Recycle
- Allemande Left
- Heads Square Thru but on 4th Hand Left Swing Thru
- Extend
- Ctrs Cross Run
- All Boys Run
- (Zero Line)
- Singing call:
- H Square Thru 4
- Right And Left Thru
- 1/2 Sashay
- Swing Thru
- Girls Trade And Run
- Ferris Wheel
- Ctrs Swing Thru
- Scoot Back
- Swing And Promenade
- Ideas for Square Thru but on the 3rd Hand:
- This concept is not a new idea. You must understand that any Square
Thru but on the 3rd hand that starts with your Right Hand is a Right and Left
Thru Equivalent.
Once you understand that, you can create a very easy zero (if the arrangement is zero):
Right and Left Thru---Square Thru but on 3rd Hand.
But that is not very smooth for the boys,
since they have their right hand on the lady's back and must come all the way
around to give a Right Pull By.
Just think of Equivalents.
Static Square:
Heads Square Thru 2 = Heads Right and Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Boys Run
NOW Call: Heads Square Thru but on the 3rd hand Touch 1/4, Boys Run.
Easy to remember!
If you want to create a getout to a Right and Left Grand:
You know after a Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru you can call a Right and Left Grand.
All we have to do is add a Right and Left Thru Equvilent first.
Here we go:
Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru, Pass Thru Partner Trade, Square Thru
but on the 3rd hand R & L Grand.
Wow!!! Very easy (Maybe the Partner Trade is not Smooth for the centers but you
can create others...)
Same Idea: think of Right And Left Thru but have the left hand free for
the following call. Example:
Heads Square Thru 4, Right And Left Thru, Right and Left Thru, Allemande Left
Heads Square Thru 4, Right and Left Thru (add zero: Swing Thru, Boys Run, Wheel and Deal), Left Square Thru but on the 3rd hand Allemande Left
Another example:
Heads Square Thru 4, Slide thru, (Setup Corner Lady Line)
Square Thru but on the 3rd Hand...
only Centers Square Thru but on that 3rd Hand...
everybody R&L Thru
Again Square Thru but on the 3rd Hand...
only Centers Square Thru but on the 3rd Hand...
all Slide Thru and Centers Roll
You're Home!
From the Western Square Dancing Web page.
Copyright notice.
Maintained by Tom Dillander - -