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The following interview is very lengthy but is worthwhile reading for both the caller and the avid dancer. We have it available as a zip file. We have broken it up into sections and once it is completed you will see a zip file available.

We would like to thank Brian Hotchkies (New South Wales, Australia) for the tape of this interview. There are places we had difficulty figuring words out or understanding how something should be spelled, for this we apologize. Still, the words are timeless and if you read this interview you can see how today's problem was recognized as long as 38 years ago.

Throughout the interview we have highlighted a few sentences in red. These are parts we find particularly interesting and/or informative.

Throughout the interview you will see a graphic of words.
These are WAV files and the size of the file is indicated.

Introduction by Brian Hotchkies:
Hello, I'm Brian Hotchkies and following is an interview that was recorded in 1961 between Christmas and New Year at the Mission In Hotel, Riverside CA between the legendary Ed Gilmore and the then president of the Square Dance Society of New South Wales (Australia), Jack Luby.

This tape came into my hand shortly after I started calling and it's had a profound influence on my career. Many prominent people in their activity that have heard the tape have commented that it should be made mandatory listening for all callers and dancers. Even though it was recorded so many years ago the subject matter discussed regarding clubs and callers will always remain current. If you're listening to this tape for the first or 21st time, I'm sure, like me, you will get a great deal from it.

An Interview with Ed Gilmore
Winter 1961 ~ Mission Inn Hotel ~ Riverside, CA

A word from Ed Gilmore

Start of Interview
German Translation
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